Tuesday, May 5, 2020

RainForest1 Essay Example For Students

RainForest1 Essay The problem of global warming, an increase in the average temperature onEarth, is getting worse. The Earth has warmed 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius sincethe late 1800s. Scientists believe that the cause is the greenhouse effect, theprocess of trapping heat in the Earths atmosphere because of the presence oflarge amounts of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrogenoxides. Less oxygen is being produced and cleaning the atmosphere allowing moreof these gases to do its work on the environment. Automobiles exhausts are just one of the contributors to this problem. The burning of fossil fuels is another major influence to the increase in globaltemperature as well. The destruction of the rainforests and all forests andtrees in general, is another. Every car produces enough gases from its exhaustinto the atmosphere that takes a mature tree to clean in about five years. Trees keep the air clean for the environment by taking the gases in and producesoxygen out of it. By cutting down the trees we are allowing for more of thecarbon to be exposed into the atmosphere. Another factor that most people would not consider in the raising ofglobal warming is the excrement of cows. Cows produces tons of carbon that doesnot all get treated for, and is in the top five for highest amounts of carbonproduced per year. This is another factor that somehow has to be dealt with. All of these causes of global warming have been know by scientists, itsthe effects we are seeing in todays climate now they had no idea of. Arcticglaciers are melting and causing the oceans water level to rise. It has beproven that if the water level were to rise anymore then we wont be able to seethe state of Louisiana anymore or any coastal areas anywhere. Louisiana isalready having there wetlands filled by the floods. The polar bear is anotherexample of the effects of global warming. Its habitat is decreasing and so areits numbers. Global warming affects the polar bear by melting the arctic snowand allowing it to starve longer then it usually does. The polar bear leavesoff its fat for about 2-3 months and global warming will increase this time. Other effects will be increased weather storms both in summer and winter as ahot summer produces a lot of precipitation in the air and thus gives extremeThe worst is yet to come in this problem of global warming. If thecarbon gases are not somehow stopped the greenhouse effect will get worse andglobal warming will increase. The scary thing about this all is that we are notBibliography:

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