Thursday, May 14, 2020

Christianity Vs. Muslim Religion - 1993 Words

Christianity VS Muslim Religion By: Ayanna John Word count: Ayanna John Professor Mangie WOH 1012 April 18, 2016 Christianity Vs Muslim Many people do not realize how much Christianity (Christian) and Islam (Muslim) religion have in common, both religions are considered to be monotheistic Abrahamic religions because their common origin being Abraham. Also, Jesus Christ is considered to be the most important figure in both religions. Although these two particular religions have much in common they also have many differences. Many people believe that Christianity began with the Jesus Christ; however the study of Christianity began with Christ’s most important early follower Saint Paul and Islam religion began with the prophet Muhammad, whom was considered to be the last prophet sent by Allah. This paper will breakdown the history of Christianity, explain the different type of Christianity, and discuss the modern day Christianity. This paper will also explain the history of Muslim religion, the different types of Muslims and the modern day Muslims. As Christianity’s history unfolds, many thought Christianity began with Jesus Christ who was Jewish. Dating back, Christianity’s roots goes further back and is found to have begun as a movement within Judaism during the first century. During this time a Jewish rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth, which took up a public teaching ministry, after he began preaching about the coming of the kingdom of God. The Christian Scriptures,Show MoreRelatedChristianity vs. Islam1148 Words   |  5 Pagesgrievance that occurred hundreds or even thousands of years earlier† (Hodges 48). So why is this? What makes it so necessary for peoples of a religion to wage war? No answer has been found to date (Hodges 14). God is God. There is no argument between Christianity and Islam as to the existence of a single, omnipotent, omnipresent, and all powerful being. 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